July 25. Michele Jaquis / Paul Pattison

Paul’s Brain: Michele Jaquis / Paul Pattison

Michele Jaquis and Paul Pattison met in 1996 while they were students
at Burren College of Art in Ireland. They stayed in touch after
Michele returned to the United States and Paul often visited whichever
city she was living in. They began collaborating in 2007 by recording
a conversation about Paul’s experiences with epilepsy and the memory
loss, depression, and addiction that came with it. Their intention was
to develop a two-person exhibition of his relief prints with her
videos and sculptures. For various reasons this project was put on
hold and several years later Paul asked Michele if she’d like to make
a documentary about his epilepsy, completely forgetting that they had
started that project already. Paul died in 2015, at which point
Michele resolved herself to complete the work in his honor, using the
recorded conversation as a starting point from which the rest evolved.

Michele Jaquis is an interdisciplinary artist and educator based in
Los Angeles, CA.

Paul Pattison was a printmaker, drummer and psychology student based
in Limerick, Ireland and Venice, CA.

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