July 23, Carolie Parker
French Original
Que sais-je?
Collection Encyclopédique
Fondée par Paul Angoulvent
Derniers titres parus :
1. Le marketing
2. La criminalité
3. Les études de marches
4. Le tourisme social
5. La fortune des français
6. La monarchie de juillet
7. Les accidents du travail
8. Le management
9. Le congre des Etats-Unis
10. Le génie logiciel
11. Histoire de la banque
How Much Do I Know?
The Encyclopedic Collection
Founded by Paul Angoulvent
Titles in this Series:
1. High brilliance, unnamed
2. Medium brilliance, Italian blue
3. High brilliance, Calamine blue
4. Medium brilliance, Blue turquoise
5. Medium brilliance, Emerald
6. Very high brilliance, Lemon Chrome
7. High brilliance, Cherry
8. Low brilliance, Chestnut
9. Low brilliance, Ruby
10. Medium brilliance, Rose (average)
11. Medium brilliance, Carmine
Mac is
kohl black,
phonetic as the
awl and catfish
reading Narmer.
He sits
at the door
very formal
having dragged
home a rat;
in practice,
Mac is
kohl black,
phonetic as the
awl and catfish
reading Narmer.
He sits
at the door
very formal
having dragged
home a rat;
in practice,
it’s pointless
to scold him,
but this is
to scold him,
but this is
The Darker Brighter Side
drawings and sculpture by Carolie Parker